Verdacity assists clients from coast-to-coast achieve their sustainability goals and meet local and federal green building mandates. We tailor our analyses and recommendations to each project's specific location, taking into account local site conditions, ecosystem, and climate.
Verdacity's portfolio includes a variety of project types across different industries. We believe that the occupants of all building types, and the community surrounding a building, deserves something that contributes positively to human wellbeing and the environment. Our projects have included:
High-Performance Medical Offices, Labs, and Hospitals
LEED Certified Schools and Universities
Fitwel-Rated and LEED Certified Municipal Complexes
Campus Sustainability Plans
Federal Guiding Principles-Compliant Facilities
Energy-Efficient Industrial and Warehouse Spaces
LEED Certified Commercial Office Buildings
Central New Mexico Community College
Max Salazar Building Renovation
This 5-story, 120,000 SF facility is a pivotal gateway for students and visitors to CNM's main campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. One of only ten LEED Platinum Certified commercial buildings in the state, the project's sustainable design features celebrate its location in a high desert climate.
Thoughtful landscape architecture and the use of native, drought-tolerant plants has not only reduced outdoor water usage by 70% but also provides shaded walkways that reduce radiant heat and contribute to lower energy consumption overall. Exemplary energy performance has been achieved through the building's own solar array; submetering of multiple systems, including lighting, HVAC, electric receptacle, and IT loads; LED lighting; and vacancy sensors. Over 60% of the construction waste generated from this renovation has been reused in the building, and 25% of new construction materials contain recycled content.
IMAGE CREDIT: Patrick Coulie